- http://dvnproducts.com/ The basket buddy bags, bling bells and cool drink holders
- http://www.couturecruiser.com/ An upscale look for a tote bag and basket liner
- http://www.topeak.com/products/ Cool accessories, racks, lights and pumps
- http://planetbike.com/page/ Check out these lights and computers
Saturday, December 12, 2009
What is new for the holidays?
Friday, October 9, 2009
From Allan!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Update on winners
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Bike issues 102

So what else do I need to know about a bike? One of the biggest is the actual use of the bike. How are you planning on utilizing your bike? For us in the shop, cycling is more than a sport or a recreation, it is a way of life. Everyone in the shop owns at least one bike and we are each most comfortable in our own styles of bikes. Take our "friend of the shop" Scott G. He is an avid outdoor rider who enjoys hard mountain biking and fixed gear. Kyle is a BMX rider who rides fixed gear for distance. Julio is a classic road bike enthusiast and so rides an amazing LeMond with a Brooks saddle. Dave rides whatever, but has a passion for triathlon bikes (since he owns the shop!) Seth likes a hybrid for with a basket for living car free and Cameron rotates through classic Schwinns and more unusual cruisers.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Cycling Facts 101
- Material of construction - is it steel, cromoly, aluminum, carbon fiber or something more exotic? Generally this sets the basic price point in a given category of bikes (cruiser, road, mountain, BMX, etc. . .)
- Components - are there gears, hand brakes, special handlebars or other feature on the bike? If so, the more high end these are, you will pay for that. Generally internal hub technology (where there is not movement of the chain to change gears) is more expensive than an external deraileaur. This is not true with road bikes which may have very high end components (Shimano Dura Ace)
- Bling, styling & fashion - do the rims of the bike match? Are there custom styled fenders or chain rings? Do you feel cool on the bike? If so, this bike probably costs more.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Cool BMX stuff

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Bike Give Away!

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Respected author
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Have you thought about a bike for the Summer?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Mail Order?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Check it out! Trike built for three.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Build your own Damn Mousetrap!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
2 for $371!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Web Page
Monday, March 16, 2009
Tax bump
Friday, March 13, 2009
Free Flat Fridays
Don’t let the economy get you down! We are introducing FREE FLAT FRIDAY! Once every two weeks, we have our mechanics repair flats for free. The second & fourth Friday is FREE FLAT FRIDAY (March 27th, April 10th, April 24th, May 8th & May 22nd).
Just one more way that Main Street Cyclery provides "Knowledge & Service" to our community.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Healthy Insanity
My wife is crazy.
Not the usual "y-chromosome" view of the way we (men) think of those "people from Venus" crazy; she's obsessed with her fitness level.
Not a bad 'Thing, when you consider the things we can be obsessed with, Healthy addictions are just that, and not to worry unless it becomes compulsive and you start working out rather than working for example.
I should digress and point out I have no room to talk, I spent the better part of two years on a bicycle, runnlng or swimming in preparation for running the Hawaiian Ironmon, so I know what I mean when I say healthy addiction.
In moderation, it's what gets us out on cold mornings. The lack of endorphins (natural anagesics) can be almost as bad as missing your morning coffee, Not something most of us want to consider.
Back to my child bride. She gets up four mornings a weekday before the sun- to bicycle on the street, or spin in a class of fellow addicts, The spinners laugh about the activity and how much they sacrifice to get it done, but they do it.
In my wife's case she looks about 20 years younger than her age and will proudly come in my office every so often to tell me what dress size she can get into now. But the title of the article refers to how she accommodates the cold. morning rides, Women have it rough when it comes to this they are always cold, so developing the fortitude to head out in the dark weekday mornings - takes courage and intelligence, in what to wear to fight the chill.
Don't forget, riding a bike automatically drops your temperature 10-15 degrees as you add wind-chill factor as you ride.
The tricks: layers and torso protection, Sounds easy huh? Well, isn't that difficult,
As far as the torso part-it's well-established that as long as your core temperature is normal, you don't really 'feel" cold. Adding a light vest to your bike outfit will do wonders to increase your core temp, and attitude about riding in cooi weather.
Layers: Also pretty straight-forward. For every 5 degrees cooler-add a layer to your outfit, Make sure to keep your skin covered as well. That means long-fingered gloves, long sleeves or armwarmers and/or tights to keep your calves covered, An undertop of lycra or coolmax will usually do the trick for cool weather.
If the temp. keeps dropping - add a vest over the jersey/top combo and you should be good to go. If it gets even colder (she really is crazy) get some of those earwarmers that skiers wear, Very effective under your helmet. Shoe covers are a little overkill, unless you're going to be out longer than two hours, plus they're clumsy and may spoil the outfit.
So there you go- easy tips to ride comfortably till the sun comes back. Oh, yeah ... wear your helmet-silly,
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Fixed gear or not?

Monday, February 2, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Upgrade? Downgrade? Failing grade!
I recently helped a British man renovate his hand-built English frame to All-new Shimano components, so he could keep it as his commuter/rain bike. His was an unusual case as he was keeping that bike-no matter what!
My normal response to someone that wants to go faster, or just change the bike -is - get a new bike!! Some cyclists spend hours riding with their compatriots, talking bikes and decide - usually after a few beers, that they are experts in selecting a bicycle component group. Duh!!
It just freaks me that they will make decisions on the order of two-three thousand dollars, because "one of the guys he rides with likes his."
Bicycles are very complicated, non-linear systems that were designed by non-engineering types - to work !!
That's all -. no linear-systems analysis; no acceptable design principles; they built them, rode them, then cut away all the stuff that didn't work like it was supposed to.
Product managers at all the "brands" spend many sleepless nights finding the right mix of components that will meet the performance spec's, but also the price point. How is joe rider- (who is an accountant or realtor or whatever) going to be smarter about components than these guys?
Not only are you at risk buying stuff online (id theft, bait & switch) but you have no recourse if the stuff isn't exactly right. Once you open the box - it's yours- and you get to make it work. Further-any shade tree accountant can tell you - you spend far more for the components in a bicycle than if you buy the package.--at least 60 to 70% more...if not twice as much. Then you get to put all the labor into it- borrow/buy tools, etc.
Get a new bike from a reputable dealer- no free lunch.
New year musings
“One speed!” you might exclaim, “What hath Lance wrought?” In fact, a single-speed bicycle is the most efficient, reliable form of two wheel transportation. With gasoline consistently over $3.00 a gallon, those of us that live near the flat and friendly roads of the seaside might do well to park our SUV and start cycling to the store on Saturday, rather than fire up the old exhaust emitter – but I have digressed.
The original bicycle was called a Velocipede and it looked like an adult “Big Wheel.” The rider’s feet were tied to the wheel directly, and each rotation of the pedals equaled a turn of the wheel. As riders wanted to increase distances and climb hills, someone came up with the idea of a moving gear to the rear wheel and adding a chain to the front gear, thereby gaining mechanical advantage, allowing the rider to achieve more power. These “new” one-speed bikes are exact duplicates of a model that some of the original racers in the Tour de France rode around the turn of the 20th century.
It wasn’t until recently that multiple gears and a derailleur were added, making climbing and high speeds much easier. Some purists ride what are called “track bikes,” where the pedals are once again tied directly to the rear hub. In the last few years, they have returned to the streets on fixed gear bikes, primarily bike messengers in large metropolises. The latest hotbeds are San Francisco and Seattle, both are bike-friendly towns where “green” is in. It is growing here in the Long Beach / Orange County area as well – you may see them weaving in traffic in Long Beach!
The latest compromise is the single speed “hybrid” that is fixed gear in one iteration, but converts to a one-speed coaster bike with hand brakes. This is a kind of half way point to get into fixed gear with low risk. If you are a mere “mortal,” you can try a very safe version of this bike by getting into an old school beach cruiser. Simplicity itself, these bikes come with one gear and foot brakes – try one out!
On a future note, keep an eye out for our approaching “Kruzer Klassic” which will start at our bike shop, meander around the streets of Old Town Seal Beach and circle back for a bite at a local café around 10 am. It should be a hoot – stay tuned for the date!
2 wheel park and ride
The simplest way to move a bicycle from one location to another – is to get on and ride it there. Those who live in the Seal Beach/Los Al/ East LB area, however, often want to move the bikes first, then ride to and from.
This is because the only way to go east from here is a stretch of PCH between Seal Beach and Surfside/ Sunset Beach over the Alamitos Bay bridges, which is tenuous for cyclists at best. It’s 4-lanes but it’s just an open bike lane and the traffic is fast, frequently made up of tourists and people looking at the boats and surf, rather than where they’re going.
A popular alternative to this is to load your bikes in a vehicle, drive to Sunset Beach; then park and ride. Not the most environmentally friendly idea, it’s still better for most family types than the perceived risk of the open highway.
Lots of folks come in our shop asking for alternative routes to the bike trail down to Huntington Beach, but if you’re not willing to swim with your bike, there really isn’t one, except down Seal Beach Blvd. to Westminster Blvd., then across the Naval Weapons Station to Bolsa Chica. That’s’ considerably longer than the trail and the traffic across the “ammo Dump isn’t much better than the Highway.
That leads us to: how to carry several bikes without disassembly of the bikes and or your car. There are two feasible types of car carriers: the hitch-mount and the bumper mount. The hitch–mount goes into a square tube called a receiver that can be used to mount a tow package as well. This is a more secure method than any alternative short of carrying the bikes inside a vehicle. The racks typically hold 3-4 bikes and should not cost more than $150.00 or so. Hitch racks are very secure, not likely to scratch your bike or car and usually fold down so you can still get in the back of your car or truck. If you already have a “tow package”, it’s a no-brainer to spend the few extra dollars to get the HR as it’s much better.
If you don’t want to spend that kind of money- the bumper rack works very well, costs less and is still secure, just a little harder to load and you can’t get in your trunk once the rack is on. There is minor risk of rubbing or scratching your car although the HOLLYWOOD brand features foam padding at all of the contact points, and the straps are dipped in plastic to reduce paint damage. The 3-bike version bumper rack shouldn’t run more than $75.00 and the reputable dealer will install it the first time so see how it goes.
One last note: If you are riding the Bolsa Chica bike path, drive to the East end and ride to Sunset Beach then back. That way the wind is behind you on the way back. See you next blog post. (Sounds like I'm going race a horse)
Pedal systems
As if life weren’t complicated enough—now we have to choose what type of pedals we want for the type of bicycling we have in mind that day. It’s kind of like computers; just when you reach the point when you have a handle on all the keys to do what you want, someone comes out with a “new improved” software package that sets you back to square one. {The writer has sworn to never set at a PC keyboard that runs Vista}.
Time was you got on your bike and rode off. The pedals were plain square hunks of rubber that you put your Keds or (Chuck Taylor’s) on and away you went. Now there are at least five different kinds of systems that make it easier to capture muscle energy but also manage to complicate the choice pedals you use.
This has become a ubiquitous topic in bike shops, as many Southern Californians have taken to “Spinning” as a viable alternative to road riding. Indoor cycling has a number of advantages including no worries about traffic, darkness, motorists opening doors and rain. The tradeoffs are tight (almost claustrophobic) quarters, no change in scenery and, funny looking pedals on funny looking bikes. The bikes are one forward speed without brakes, so it makes some sense to be able to lock your shoes onto the pedals so you don’t lose contact why spinning at high rates. The same is true for Mountain and road biking. Staying in contact with the pedals means you can ‘pull up’ on the ‘back” portion of your pedal cycle assists energy transfer (Speed) for any given rotation of the wheels.
The bad news for these types of pedals is you have to unhook when you want to dismount the bike. The first thing we tell people when they go to a clip pedal is to remember to clip out when they stop. When they forget the first time, they “tilt”, fall down, everyone has a good laugh and away we go.
The first clip pedal was based on a ski binding from a French company (LOOK) and used a plastic cleat on the bottom of the shoe. Later, the SHIMANO Company came out with a smaller (metal) cleat that could tuck into the tread of a mountain bike shoe, such that you could walk on the shoe without to much difficulty. The latter pedals (SPD) are configuration of choice for the Spinners as they are less expensive and the cleats last longer.
Those are the most two common types of what are incorrectly called “clipless” pedals systems. For we retro types, riding one forward speed cruisers, the old school flat pedals are fine to run to the store with, but, if you intend to go spinning or ride fast- at least now you know what pedal to ask for.
The muse of multispeeds
As the year comes to a close, some of us find our attention drifting toward the “good old days” – at least as good as we remember them. As some of the old folks I ride with say, “The older I get, the better I was.” One of the latest old-new items regaining popularity is the single-speed bicycle.
“One speed!” you might exclaim, “What hath Lance wrought?” In fact, a single-speed bicycle is the most efficient, reliable form of two wheel transportation. With gasoline consistently over $3.00 a gallon, those of us that live near the flat and friendly roads of the seaside might do well to park our SUV and start cycling to the store on Saturday, rather than fire up the old exhaust emitter – but I have digressed.
The original bicycle was called a Velocipede and it looked like an adult “Big Wheel.” The rider’s feet were tied to the wheel directly, and each rotation of the pedals equaled a turn of the wheel. As riders wanted to increase distances and climb hills, someone came up with the idea of a moving gear to the rear wheel and adding a chain to the front gear, thereby gaining mechanical advantage, allowing the rider to achieve more power. These “new” one-speed bikes are exact duplicates of a model that some of the original racers in the Tour de France rode around the turn of the 20th century.
It wasn’t until recently that multiple gears and a derailleur were added, making climbing and high speeds much easier. Some purists ride what are called “track bikes,” where the pedals are once again tied directly to the rear hub. In the last few years, they have returned to the streets on fixed gear bikes, primarily bike messengers in large metropolises. The latest hotbeds are San Francisco and Seattle, both are bike-friendly towns where “green” is in. It is growing here in the Long Beach / Orange County area as well – you may see them weaving in traffic in Long Beach!
The latest compromise is the single speed “hybrid” that is fixed gear in one iteration, but converts to a one-speed coaster bike with hand brakes. This is a kind of half way point to get into fixed gear with low risk. If you are a mere “mortal,” you can try a very safe version of this bike by getting into an old school beach cruiser. Simplicity itself, these bikes come with one gear and foot brakes – try one out!
On a future note, keep an eye out for our approaching “Kruzer Klassic” which will start at our bike shop, meander around the streets of Old Town Seal Beach and circle back for a bite at a local café around 10 am. It should be a hoot – stay tuned for the date!