Summer is definitely here in Seal Beach. Here are a few things that we are doing at the bike shop:
1. Sponsoring the mechanical / service tent for the July 24th "Beach Babe Bicycling Classic" at Eisenhower Park. For more information, go to www.noblepursuitinc.com
2. Be sure to go to the Lions Club Fish Fry July 16th & 17th at Eisenhower Park. Our shop donated several prizes to their hourly drawing so go win some some bike accessories, enjoy the music and support the Lions.
3. Our summer interns, Tony and JD from Los Alamitos High School are doing well under the guidance of our lead mechanic, Julio. Stop in and say hi to them!
4. We are welcoming a new member of our team, Aaron, who has a passion not only for bikes, but also photography. Check out his photos at www.flickr.com/photos/aaronmichael
5. The Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce has started the Summer Concert series. Every Wednesday night from 6 - 8 pm. Stop in or see more information at www.sealbeachchamber.org
We do run some specials, so check them out on Yelp and Google Places.
Have fun this Summer and ride more!